Shakespeare Lions
Charity Number: 1177788
Young Farmers
During 2019 Lions Clubs in the British Isles reached an agreement with the National Federation of Young Farmers Clubs to work together for the betterment of their local communities. Later during that year a verbal agreement was also reached with Wales Federation Young Farmers Clubs. Lions Clubs International is the largest service organisation in the World – National Federation Young Farmers Clubs is one of the largest rural youth organisations within the U.K.
There are many similarities between Lions Clubs and the National Federation Young Farmers Clubs not least in the core services. Lions Clubs have 600+ clubs within the U.K. while the Young Farmers have 598. Each year both organisations elect new club officers to serve for no less than a twelve-month period, Lions Officers change in July while the Young Farmers change September – October . However, the Young Farmers membership finishes when they reach 26 years of age.
Examples of how both organisations have been working
together since 2019 are:
Young Farmers helping Lions Clubs International with recycling spectacles at one of their County Rallies.
Young Farmers County Rally.
Silver Star Diabetes screening was supported by Lions Clubs in that area.
Lions acting as Judges at a Young Farmers Regional Competition.
Young Farmers organised a Drive In Harvest Festival during the Covid 19 pandemic, supported by local Lions Club.
The main aims of this agreement between Lions Clubs and the National Federation Young Farmers Clubs are:
For the betterment of rural communities
Sponsor and improve the ethos of volunteering for the good of other
Develop an environment when Young Farmers leave their club due to age restrictions they recognise that Lions Clubs are the service organisation of choice to join and at the same time continue working with the National Federation Young Farmers Clubs for the benefit of others.
Current Government Covid restrictions have put a brake on activities for the moment
but we will become more active as and when we can.
Both organisations have similar core services activities:
Both work for the betterment of the environment
Both work to eliminate hunger
Both organisations support diabetes screening
Both organisations support cancer research
Both work for the good of the community
Both work for the benefit of young people