Shakespeare Lions
Charity Number: 1177788
Panto with the Phoenix Players

What a joy it was this month to work with the Phoenix Players once again to bring a special performance aimed at those with disabilities or additional needs on their dress rehearsal night. This year’s exciting production was enjoyed by over 60 very exuberant and excited guests and was based on the well known story of Peter Pan – with some added twists and extras! The extra sweetie bags and free raffle all added to the fun and a super evening was had by all – oh yes it was…..
President 2024/25
Anne Turner

Shakespeare Lions Club has a membership of 30; we all share the passion of service to the community and raising funds for deserving causes in the area of Stratford-upon-Avon. We hold our meetings at the White Swan Hotel every 2nd Thursday of the month commencing at 7.00pm. We welcome potential new members. So anyone reading this post who wishes to find out what we do are most welcome to join us at a meeting and
listen to the varied projects that we support.