Shakespeare Lions
Charity Number: 1177788
We are a busy part of Shakespeare Lions club and active in all sorts of ways.
Here are just a few of the things we are involved with.
​​We award grants to children and adults with learning and physical disabilities.
We give so they can enjoy and learn from activities and residential events
that otherwise they could not attend. ​​
The Citizens' Advice Bureau (CAB) also administer a sum of money on our behalf
which they use to buy school uniforms, furniture and white goods for people
who can not afford need those essentials.
We are supporting Stratford Disabled Football Team with help towards to transport costs to matches which are now being provided by Back and Forth. They have 25 regular members both male and female that have autism. We are looking at other ways that we might be able to help them
Stratford Disabled Football
Shakespeare Lions had a stall at the Stratford Fun Palace at the Crowne Plaza on 5th October, where we were joined a number of other community groups and charities to create a fun day for children.
We consider any requests for the community so please fill-in our contact form
and we will respond as soon as we can.